vim2-bannerVolunteers in Mission (VIM) is organized under the auspices of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.

The VIM seeks to identify needs within local churches, missions and monasteries, needs which they are not able to meet for themselves.

 Once the project has been identified, VIM seeks to enlist volunteers to help with labor, materials, and financial support. Most of the VIM projects have occurred in the United States, but recently, a VIM team went to Puerto Rico.

In November, 2013, another VIM team will go to Puerto Rico. All ages and all levels of skill are needed for these projects. Also, VIM needs the financial support of Orthodox Christians around the world. Come and join a VIM team. Its the experience of a lifetime.

About the partnership between VIM and PFASG

About the partnership between VIM and PFASG

Trip to the San Juan Climaco Mission, Puerto Rico, November 2-11, 2013

With the blessing of His Grace, Metropolitan Hilarion, and with an invitation by Priest Gregorio Justiniano, Rector, a mission team is forming to go to the San Juan Climaco Mission in San German, Puerto Rico.

The team will do some work on the mission grounds and buildings, and we will also help to set up for an inaugural fiesta which will officially introduce the mission to the surrounding community. The work will not be taxing or difficult, but it will help the Mission to pursue its mission to spread the Faith to the Puerto Rican people.

Link to the blog of Fr. John Mose »

Come and Join us (see details below)

Trip to Puerto Rico, November 2012

St. Nicholas monastery in Florida, USA

Holy Cross Monastery

Thank you for all our supporters

Thank you for all who gave us a hand as a volunteer, donator, who helped with a good advice, who believed and just was with us!